Womcore Llc Dba Remax Edge
Agents with Listings
For Sale (362)
Here are the most recent listings.
9 hours, 41 minutes
458 Neptune Avenue 3M
Brooklyn, NY 11224
9 hours, 43 minutes
112 Bay 10th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11228
14 hours, 21 minutes
1579 West 8th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204
14 hours, 21 minutes
1119 Ocean Parkway 1O
Brooklyn, NY 11230
14 hours, 21 minutes
1433 BayRidge Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11228
15 hours, 48 minutes
1722 70th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204
15 hours, 48 minutes
1314 77th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11228
15 hours, 48 minutes
2358 Pacific Street
Brooklyn, NY 11233
15 hours, 48 minutes
72 Leverett Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10308
15 hours, 49 minutes
1501 East 53rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11234
15 hours, 49 minutes
1544 71st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11228
15 hours, 49 minutes
1910 Avenue V 9
Brooklyn, NY 11229
For Rent (16)
Here are the most recent listings.
1 day, 18 hours
192 Bay 34th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11214
3 days, 13 hours
117 Fingerboard Road
Staten Island, NY 10305
1 week, 5 days
79 Stanley Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10301
1 week, 5 days
482 Jersey Street
Brooklyn, NY 10301
3 weeks
3974 Amboy Road
Staten Island, NY 10308
3 weeks
1724 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210
3 weeks
849 57th Street 5FL
Brooklyn, NY 11220
3 weeks
1224 Myrtle Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
3 weeks
766 55th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11220
3 weeks
1305 Avenue U
Brooklyn, NY 11229
3 weeks
7302 6th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209
3 weeks
2911 Surf Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11224